• HV static var generator
Static Var Generator (SVG)

High Voltage SVG







HV static var generator, using multiple DSPs and FPGAs as the control core, and instantaneous reactive power theory control technology, FFT fast harmonic calculation technology, and high-power IGBT drive technology are adopted. The design goal is high reliability, easy operation, and high performance. It can quickly and continuously provide capacitive or inductive reactive power, achieve various control modes such as constant assessment point reactive power, constant assessment point voltage, constant assessment point power factor, and comprehensive compensation. The HV SVG, not only can it automatically compensate for reactive power, but it can also dynamically compensate for harmonics at the same time, ensuring the stable operation of the power system. It is suitable for occasions with strict reactive power response time requirements, such as steel rolling, steelmaking, lifting, and impact loads.

Response speed: using instantaneous reactive power theory, the controller corresponding time is ≤1ms, and the full power corresponding time≤5ms.

Negative sequence suppression: can quickly compensate for the negative sequence current generated by load imbalance, always ensuring the balance of thre

phase current flowing into the grid.

Multiple modes: with constant reactive power, constant power factor, constant voltage, negative sequence compensation, and other modes, it can switchoperating

modes online.

Harmonic control: The device can effectively compensate for 13rd and below orders harmonic, with a maximum compensation rate of up to 92%.

Complete protection: The protection strategy includes device level protection of 10us, device level protection of 0.5-1ms, and system level protection of 52000ms.

Module design: The power unit, power supply, main control system, secondary wiring, etc. adopt modular design for easy on-site installation and maintenance.

Early warning: Real time detection of the temperature of each power unit. When the temperature of multiple units exceeds the set alarm value, an audible an

visual alarm will be issued.

Technical Parameters:

Rated   voltage


Rated   capacity

±0.5~±25Mvar (6~10kV), ±5~100Mvar (35Kv)

Output   reactive power

Continuous   variation from inductive rated reactive power to capacitive rated reactive   power

Response   time


Overload   capacity

1.2 times overload for 1min

Output   distortion

Total harmonic   distortion rate of output current THD≤3%

Working   efficiency

Rated operating condition 99.2%

Working   temperature


Corresponding   humidity

Month average less than 90% (25), no gel

Cooling   method

Forced air cooling, water cooling, air   conditioning (optional)


≤2000m (Higher can be customized)

Sismic   intensity

≤8 degree

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